What's New in the Library

Natural History Library

Located above the museum display rooms are both the Natural History Library and the laboratory holding the Natural History Collection.

The science library is the island’s repository for all information related to Bermuda’s bio-diversity, ecology, habitats and species.  Books, journals, scientific papers, and newspaper stories relevant to Bermuda are constantly being published on a daily basis. It is the library’s role to capture this information, store and disseminate it.

This information is held as physical, photographic and digital library catalogues. Visit our OPAC (On-Line Public Access Catalogue) to search our catalogues.

The library manages the Bermuda Biodiversity Project bibliographic database. The database contains references to both published and unpublished scientific papers and reports that either reference Bermuda or are scientifically linked to Bermuda.  This database stands at around 5000 records and grows each year.

Please read and print our library flyer for useful library information.


Natural History Library Opening Times

Monday to Friday: 8.00 am - 4.00 pm

Appointments can be made during these time periods.

Please call ahead of time.

Note that there is no librarian at the moment

Tel: 293-2727

E-Mail: srsmith@gov.bm


Bermuda Aquarium, Museum & Zoo

Po Box FL 145

Flatt’s, FL BX