Relocation of sea turtles for the America's Cup event in 2017...

Massey-Outerbridge, S., Report on the collection and temporary relocation of sea turtles (Chelonia mydas and Eretmochelys imbricata) from the Great Sound for the 35th America’s Cup Bermuda event 2017, Unpublished Bermuda Government Report, 161 pp., 2018.  (BAMZ #3192/REF BDA GOVT. REPORTS) Not attached. Large file. Please e-mail librarian for access.

Artificial beach sand in Bermuda report...

Massey-Outerbridge, S., Report on the sand grain size analysis and suitability of Bermuda beach sand, Bermuda terrestrial crushed limestone sand, Bermuda South Channel sand, Bermuda Pompano Channel sand and Bahamas oolitic sand for use as artificial beach sand in Bermuda, Unpublished Bermuda Government Report, 13 pp., 2018.  (BAMZ #3191/REF BDA GOVT. REPORTS)

Student reports....

Sacco, B., Plastic Ingestion by Baitfish and their Pedators, Unpublished report, 16 pp., 2017.  (BAMZ #3188)

Antonition, S., Microplastic in Bermuda’s Baitfish, Unpublished report, 13 pp., 2017.  (BAMZ #3187)

Blee, Matthew, Reproduction and population size structure of the Reef silverside, Hypoatherina harringtonensis, in Bermuda, Unpublished report, 16 pp., 2016.  (BAMZ #3186)

Sharpiro, S., A comparison of the biodiversity of the motile organisms comprising Sargassum communities in relation to different distances off the South Shore of Bermuda, Unpublished report, 19 pp., 2017.  (BAMZ #3185)

Buchanan, J., Sargassum community studies near Bermuda, 2016 & 2017, Unpublished report, 17 pp., 2017 (BAMZ #3184)

Antonition, S., Microplastics on Bermuda’s Beaches, University of Plymouth Undergraduate dissertation, 60 pp., 2017.  (BAMZ #3183)

Blee, M., Investigating the diversity of fishes in inshore habitats around Bermuda, with a special focus on Harrington Sound, Unpublished report, 2017.  (BAMZ #3182)