New Reports

Bermuda National Trust, Cruise Ships and Sustainability in Bermuda: A Preliminary Evaluation, May 2006. (REF BDA GOVT. REPORTS/BAMZ #2495)


Ministry of Transport, Study of Bermuda’s Shipping Channels to Accommodate Larger Cruise Ships - Presentation, Government of Bermuda, August, 2011.  (REF BDA GOVT. REPORTS/BAMZ #2497)


Ministry of Transport, Study of Bermuda’s Shipping Channels to Accommodate Larger Cruise Ships - Presentation, Government of Bermuda, October 2011.  (REF BDA GOVT. REPORTS/BAMZ #2496)

Rare Books Donated to the Library

Some valuable old Bermuda books have been donated to the Natural History library:

Bell, F. , Beautiful Bermuda, Beautiful Bermuda Publishing Company.  (RARE BDA F1613.B4)   Kindly donated by Joe Smetana.

Cooper, Frederic Taber, Rider’s Bermuda: A Guide Book for Travellers, The Macmillan Company, 1928.  (RARE BDA F1631.R5).  Kindly donated by Joe Smetana.

Redman, J. Law, Isles in Summer Seas, G. W. Dillingham Company, 1913.  (RARE BDA F1631.R3).  Kindly donated by Joe Smetana. 

Strode, Hudson, The Story of Bermuda, Harrison Smith & Robert Haas, 1932.  (REF BDA GENERAL).  Kindly donated by Joe Smetana.

Wells, Carveth, Bermuda in Three Colors, Robert M. McBride, 1935.  (REF BDA GENERAL).  Kindly donated by Joe Smetana.

New Books

Brassey, Annie, In the Trades, the Tropics, and the Roaring Forties, British Library General Historical Collections, 2011 (reprinted from 1884 publication).  (REF BDA GENERAL)

Brunner, Bernd, The Ocean at Home: An Illustrated History of the Aquarium, Reaktion Books, 2011.  (SF457.3.B7)

Fry, Carolyn, Sue Seddon & Gail Vines, The Last Great Plant Hunt: The story of Kew’s Millennium Seed Bank, Kew Publishing, 2011.  (SB118.38.F7)

McDiarmid, Roy W. et al. (eds.), Reptile Biodiversity: Standard Methods for Inventory and Monitoring, University of California Press, 2012.  (QL645.6.R4)

MacLeod, Colin D., An Introduction to Using GIS in Marine Biology, Pictish Beast Publications, 2011.  (QH91.57.E4.M3)

Mitchell, Alanna, Seasick: Ocean Change and the Extinction of Life on Earth, The University of Chicago Press, 2009.  (GC1085.M5)

Davenport, J, High-Trophic-Level Consumers: Trophic Relationships of Reptiles and Amphibians of Coastal and Estuarine Ecosystems, Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal Science, 6: 227-249, 2011.  (BAMZ #2544)

 Olson, Storrs L. & David B. Wingate, A new species of towee (Aves: Emberizidae: Pipilo) from Quaternary deposits on Bermuda, Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 125(1): 85-96, 2012.  (BBP #187/ BAMZ #2453)

Carlile, Nicholas, David Priddel & Jeremy Madeiros, Establishment of a new, secure colony of Endangered Bermuda Petrel Pterodroma cahow by translocation of near-fledged nestings, Bird Conservation International, 1-13, 2012.   (BAMZ #2442)

Madeiros, Jeremy, Nicholas Carlile & David Priddel, Breeding biology and population increase of the Endangered Bermuda Petrel Pterodroma cahow, Bird Conservation International, 1-11, 2012.  (BAMZ #2441)

Berkman, Paul Arthur et al., Science Diplomacy, Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press, Washington D.C., 2011. 

Hamilton, Garry, Super Species: the creatures that will dominate the planet, Firefly Books Ltd., 2010.  (QH353.H3).  Semi-permanent loan from the library at the Department of Environmental Protection.

Stevenson, Andrew, Whale Song – journeys into the secret lives of the North Atlantic Humpbacks, Constable & Robinson, Ltd.,  2011

The winter 2011 issue of Envirotalk has been published.

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