Slider terrapins are devastating pond ecosystems

By Simon Jones

Bermuda Sun 


Red-eared slider terrapins are native to the Mississippi River Basin of North America.

They were brought into Bermuda because they are commonly kept as pets.

Harmful: Red-eared slider terrapins are being dumped by pet-owners.

As a result of irresponsible pet ownership these terrapins can now be found in every freshwater or brackish pond on the island.

Conservation staff have also come across dead red-eared sliders that have perished after being dumped in saltwater pools where they cannot survive.

This species have been spotted in the polluted Pembroke Canal and are also found on golf courses.

Alison Copeland, bio diversity officer, said: “Most of the red-eared sliders in Bermuda’s parks and nature reserves were dumped their by pet owners who no longer wanted them.

“One slider added to a pond may not upset the ecology, but people have been adding their ‘one slider’ to Bermuda’s ponds for decades and now most ponds contain several hundred.

“If you release your pet, it will find a mate and be producing clutches of eggs in no time.

“If you no longer want your terrapin, make the responsible choice and have it put down by your veterinarian.”

The red-eared slider is listed as one of the world’s top 100 worst invasive species.

Ms Copeland added: “Red-eared sliders have devastating impacts on pond ecosystems because they eat almost anything including water plants, molluscs, insects and small fish.

“In Bermuda they eat the killifish  and the mosquito fish (Gambusia) which keep the mosquito numbers down.

“This has serious implications for human health because of mosquito-bourne disease and general wellbeing.

“The killifish are also endemic to Bermuda and endangered.”

Anyone who no longer wants their terrapin can bring it to the Department at Shorelands, across the road from the Bermuda Aquarium, Museum and Zoo in Flatts.

Feral chickens are destroying crops and habitats

By Simon Jones

Bermuda Sun News  FRIDAY, JUNE 15:

Conservationists say that the management of the feral chicken population is a “growing and island-wide issue”.

There are estimated to be around 30,000 chickens currently roaming Bermuda. Expanding population: There are an estimatesd 30,000 feral chickens in Bermuda and the number is growing.

They destroy habitats, crops and gardens and provide competition for native and endemic species.

These animals are also potential disease carriers that could impact human health.

Conservation Services director, Drew Pettit, said one hen can live for five to ten years and lay on average 48 chicks every year.   

He told the Bermuda Sun that the ever-expanding population was being supported by the public  feeding them in the wild as pets. Mr Pettit said: “A major milestone was reached when many chicken coops were destroyed in 1987 by Hurricane Emily.

Feral chickens are destroying habitats and crops such as tomatoes, while competing with native and endemic species for food.

“Since then the feral chicken population has grown significantly and can now be found in all major open spaces, golf courses, agricultural fields, residential, hotel and commercial properties.

“This year over 3,200 feral chickens have been destroyed in a seven-month period and while efforts continue to ramp up to tackle this problem, we are still seeing more and more infestations across the whole island .”

Under the Summary of Offenses Act 1926 it is illegal to allow poultry to roam off your property and offenders are liable for a substantial fine of $2,880.

Conservation Services says it supports the keeping of chicken as pets and for egg production but the animals must be responsibly cooped.

Ecosystem threatened by invasive species

Simon Jones

The Bermuda Sun


Taking over: An invasive Indian Laurel tree engulfs a house. The huge root system of this plant can be extremely damaging to buildings and stonework and it is considered a threat to Bermuda's buildings as well as the natural environment. Bermuda’s delicate ecosystem is being threatened by rising numbers of invasive species, conservationists have warned.

Rabbits and guinea pigs are ‘running amok’ in some national parks because irresponsible pet owners have simply released the creatures instead of trying to re-home them.

While the feral chicken population continues to rocket and has barely been dented by the culling of  3,200 animals in the last six months.

Drew Pettit, director of Conservation Services, told the Bermuda Sun that non-native plants were also displacing endemic species and dramatically impacting the island’s bio diversity.

He said: “More and more the Department of Conservation Services is receiving calls or seeing dumped pets running wild in our nature reserves and parks.

“They range from guinea pigs, hamsters, rabbits, chickens and red-eared slider terrapins.

Barely surviving

“None of these animals have any predators and as such are either breeding and feeding uncontrollably or are barely surviving.”  

Bermuda is home to nearly a quarter of the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s top 100 worst invasive alien species, including the red-eared slider terrapin, Kudzu vine, and Brazilian pepper tree.

And the island is reported to be the worst Overseas Territory when it comes to invasive species.

Mr Pettit added: “Invasive species are the greatest threat to Bermuda’s biodiversity, especially protected native and endemic species.

“Bermuda’s habitats have become increasingly impacted by a number of aggressive invasive species that were originally imported for horticultural or agricultural reasons or for the pet trade

“They have since escaped their intended locations and begun breeding or self seeding rapidly in the wild.

“With no natural predators and the ability to reproduce quickly invasive species prey on endemic and native animals and compete for food and habitat.

“This further decreases the already low numbers of indigenous species and diminishes their chances for survival.”

Conservationists and government officials are currently looking at new policies as well as legislation to tackle the rising tide of invasive plants and animals on the island.

Bio diversity officer Alison Copeland added: “Where eradication is not possible, control and management are attempted.

“To make the recovery of protected native and endemic species possible, the threat posed by invasive species must be addressed.

“Bermuda is particularly vulnerable to the introduction of invasive species through our importation of food and other consumer products.

“These shipments can inadvertently introduce dangerous species into our environment.

“Additionally, people smuggling plants, animals, seeds or fruit back from their vacations could accidentally introduce an invasive species that will seriously damage Bermuda’s environment.

“Irresponsible pet ownership is also ensuring that an ever increasing variety of animals are making their way into Bermuda’s habitats.”



Our invasive species

Bermuda is home to 24 species from the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s list of the world’s top 100 worst invasive species.

They include:

  • Caulerpa seaweed
  • Water hyacinth
  • African tulip tree (not invasive in Bermuda)
  • Brazilian Pepper tree
  • Erect prickly pear (native and not invasive in Bermuda)
  • Giant reed
  • Kudzu
  • Lantana
  • Shoebutton ardisia
  • Strawberry guava
  • Wedelia (seaside creeping daisy)
  • Golden apple snail
  • Argentine ant
  • Big-headed ant
  • Rosy wolf snail
  • Cane toad (not a serious problem in Bermuda)
  • Starling
  • Red-eared slider
  • Domestic cat
  • Goat
  • Mouse
  • Pig
  • Rabbit
  • Ship rat

'Lifeboat' project aims to save our endemics

Simon Jones
The Bermuda Sun News


This September, six pairs of Bermuda skinks will be collected from one of their last strongholds in CastleGreen team: The conservationists behind Bermuda’s Lifeboat Projects (clockwise from left) Drew Pettit, Director of Conservation Services; Dr Robbie Smith, curator at the Natural History Museum; Robin Marirea, head zoo keeper; Alison Copeland, biodiversity officer and Mark Outerbridge, researcher for the Bermuda Zoological Society. *Photo by Kageaki Smith Harbour.

The critically endangered rock lizards will be carefully loaded onto a plane and flown to Chester Zoo in the UK.

Their mission is simple: to secure the future of Bermuda’s only indigenous land vertebrate.

The Bermuda skink project is the latest in a series of ‘Lifeboat’ initiatives organized by conservationists in Bermuda to safeguard the island’s rarest and most endangered species.

Over the past 10 years it has seen killifish sent to the Vienna Zoological Gardens, Bermuda land snails sent to London Zoo and the Governor Laffan fern sent to Henry Doorly Zoo in Omaha.

This work has helped to create ‘repositories’ of Bermudian species on the brink of extinction across the globe.

And it means they could be brought back to Bermuda if the natural population died out.

Drew Pettit, Director of Conservation Services, said: “Bermuda is one of the remotest oceanic islands in the world.

“As a result we have had quite a few endemic species ranging from insects, marine animals through to birds and reptiles.


“We should have more endemics, given our age and isolation but we believe a series of sea level fluctuations through the ages has stemmed some of this evolution.

“Regardless of that, we are particularly vulnerable due to physical isolation and having all our eggs in one basket.”

In the past there have been many recorded extinctions of plants and animals in Bermuda due to loss of habitat, climate change, disease and the introduction of pests such as rats.

Mr Pettit added: “We know through fossils, historical documents and recorded observations that Bermuda used to have fireflies, an endemic flightless grasshopper, an endemic duck, an endemic crane, an endemic hawk as well as an endemic land tortoise — which disappeared some 300,000 years ago.

“We also used to have four types of endemic snail, while now we only have one.

“Fossils of a short tailed albatross are found on Green Island, Coopers Island and other dunes along South Shore.”

The Department of Conservation Services, together with the Bermuda Aquarium, Museum and Zoo and its small team of Conservation Officers, has been working on developing ‘recovery plans’ and Lifeboat Projects since 2002.

There are currently five different projects ongoing, at varying stages in Bermuda.

Mr Pettit told the Sun: “A lifeboat can be defined as a small boat kept on a ship for use in anRare: The latest Lifeboat Project will see a number of critically endangered Bermuda skinks collected from Castle Harbour and flown to Chester Zoo in the UK to help secure their future. emergency.

“This same philosophy is being used for the conservation of our unique and threatened species.

“While every effort is being made to safeguard the species that make Bermuda unique, we are using a precautionary strategy to relocate or export small populations of our threatened species to less vulnerable areas or institutions.

“Our first priority is to ensure the survival of endemic species, which are unique to Bermuda.

“Once they are gone they are gone, as they are found nowhere else in the world. You can’t just bring in a new batch to restock the shelves.”

Conservationists work at both a local and an international level to help protect the island’s most endangered species.

Mr Pettit added: “On a local level – we transplant or relocate small populations from one particularly vulnerable area to other areas in order to increase the island range by spreading the risk out across the island.

High risk

“The Department has found that many of our endemic species have now been pushed into only a couple of places which are at high risk of failure.

“A good example is the endemic Lover’s Lake Killifish which until recently survived in only one pond.

“Now populations have been trans-located to two other ponds to safeguard their survival.

“On an international level we also work with international Zoos and Botanical Gardens who are willing to help us preserve and breed these species.

“In return they get to display in their institutions some of the rarest species in the world. 

“So working with other international agencies Bermuda, at no cost to the island, has been able to save small populations of species for the future.”

“Our endemic species make us unique to the rest of the world and by preserving our unique species we combat a growing trend in the decline the world’s biodiversity which is seeing the disappearance of large numbers of species.”

The next chapter in the ongoing battle to save Bermuda’s unique population begins with the departure of the Bermuda skinks later this year.

It is estimated that there are less than 5,000 of these critically endangered species in Bermuda today.

They are found only on islets in Castle Harbour and there are a few fragmented populations along South Shore.

The kink is Bermuda’s only endemic terrestrial vertebrate. Its future survival will depend heavily on the six rock lizards heading across the Atlantic Ocean.

Mr Pettit added: “Our head zoo keeper has already visited the facilities at Chester Zoo with the help of an international grant.

“Once they are established we will periodically send over more Skinks to broaden their genetic diversity.

“We hope that this lifeboat project will prove successful, as others before it have.”

If you think you have seen any of the species listed in this article email or visit to leave a message.


Related Stories:

• Lifeboat project: Seeds sent away for safeguarding
• Lifeboat project: Fern could have become extinct
• Lifeboat Project: Killifish distributed to breeders
• Lifeboat project: Land snail project was a success

Cahow Population Reaches 101 pairs for the first time since the 1600's

First cahow of 2011

First cahow of 2011

The Department of Conservation Services today (March 22, 2012) is pleased to announce that for the first time since its rediscovery in 1951 the population of Bermuda’s National Bird, the critically endangered Cahow (Pterodroma cahow), has passed the landmark number of 101 nesting pairs. A fitting milestone to celebrate Bermuda’s 400th anniversary of colonization.

Abundant when Bermuda was first discovered, the ground burrowing Cahow was quickly decimated by introduced predators such as rats, pigs, dogs and cats, and hunting by the early settlers. During a major famine in 1621 Governor Moore sent one hundred and fifty of the most weak and sick settlers “to Cooper’s Isle, where were such infinite numbers of the birds called "Cahowes", which were so fearless, they might take as many as they would…they so much consumed and wasted by carelessness and surfeiting, many of them (settlers) died ” from over indulgence.  The Cahow soon disappeared from the historic records and it was thought to have become extinct. In 1951 the Cahow was miraculously rediscovered on several small rocky islets but the entire population consisted of only 18 nesting pairs, with the entire population only producing 7 to 8 chicks annually.

For the last 50 years the Cahow Recovery Program has been one of Bermuda’s priority protected species projects. Now managed by the Terrestrial Conservation Section of the Department of Conservation Services the team works hard to control predators, build artificial nest burrows, and carry out research to better understand the Cahow and enable it to recover. With this assistance the Cahow continues to move towards becoming a self sustaining population. Last year the Cahow increased to 98 nesting pairs producing a record 56 fledged chicks. The 101 nesting pair mark was met this year illustrating that the species continues to move from strength to strength. 

Jeremy Madeiros (Senior Terrestrial Conservation Officer) reports that “the Recovery Program has reached a critical milestone, but the ultimate objective is to increase the number of nesting Cahows to at least 1000 nesting pairs. That is the only point at which it can be down-listed from “critically endangered” to “threatened”. 1000 pairs is still a small number for the entire planet, as the Cahow is completely endemic or unique to Bermuda, nesting no-where else on Earth.”

ParCA scholarships for Graduate Studies in Climate Change

Read more about the ParCA call for Caribbean nationals to apply for scholarships to study climate change related graduate programmes at the University of Waterloo (Canada) and the University of the West Indies (Jamaica).

Deadline is March 19th 2012.

Busy Weekend at Cooper's Island (reposted)

Last weekend was a very busy one at Cooper's Island Nature Reserve, with many volunteers contributing hours of service to help promote and conserve biodiversity.

On Friday the 17th 80 young football players and coaches from the Bermuda Brazillian Football School joined HSBC bank and staff from the Department of Conservation Services to plant native and endemic plants throughout the Cooper's Island Reserve.


On Saturday the 18th a dozen volunteers from the Bermuda Audubon Society prepared 32 Longtail 'igloos' for use. These artificial nest chambers are styrofoam domes that must be coated to give them strength before they can be cemented into place along Bermuda's shoreline.