Pomfrets found in a tuna’s gut. Photographer unknown, can you help?
The Natural History Museum at BAMZ had received this photo of two pomfrets (Pteraclis carolinus) found in the gut of a yellowfin tuna caught on, or before, October 2005.
The pomfet is a new record for the species in Bermuda.
However, we don't know who took the photo! We would like to identify the photographer so that we can give that person credit in an upcoming publication on recent new fishes reported from Bermuda.
We hope that this photo will trigger a memory and the photographer can call the Museum Curator, Dr. Robbie Smith (299-2322) or email him at srsmith@gov.bm.
The Museum team is always interested to learn of interesting discoveries in our natural world and encourage you to let us know when you find or catch something unusual!