2012 Bermuda International Shipwreck Conference

Interested in shipwrecks? Here is your opportunity to learn more.


The Department of Conservation Services, Government of Bermuda and the Historic Wrecks Authority are pleased to present the 2012 Bermuda International Shipwreck Conference to be held at the Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute, East Broadway on the 3rd of November, from 9am till 5pm.



  • Historic Wrecks Authority - Role and Responsibilities
  • The Act - Legislation and Policy
  • Preparing an Environmental Impract Assessment for Site Investigation
  • GPS Marine Survey Techniques
  • Citizen Science
  • 'Baltic Shipwreck Archaeology: New discoveries-new opportunities-new strategies'
  • The Scarborough Bay Wrecks
  • Bermuda Shipwrecks
  • Marie Celesta
  • Why shipwrecks are relevant
  • Engaging Divers in Archeology




Mr. Harold Conyers, Chair, Historic Wrecks Authority

Dr. Philippe Rouja, Custodian Historic Wrecks

Dr. Annie Glasspool, Director Bermuda Environmental Consulting Ltd.

Dr. Harold Frith, Environmental Consultant - habitat mapping

Mr. Jack Ward, Chairman BUEI

Dr. Jon Adams, Professor of Archaeology, University of Southampton

Dr. Kroum Batchvarov, Assistant Professor of Maritime Archaeology, University of Connecticut

Dr. Gordon Watts, Consulting Marine Archaeologist, National Museum of Bermuda


Attendees will earn 8 credit hours towards the NAS Part II Intermediate certificate in foreshore and underwater archaeology. http://www.nauticalarchaeologysociety.org