Environmental Assessment and Monitoring
Terrestrial Conservation
The Terrestrial Conservation team provides ecological assessment and consultation on all proposed development impacting terrestrial conservation areas designated under the current Bermuda Plan 2008. Specifically for areas zoned Nature Reserve, Woodland Reserve, Arable Reserve, Coastal Reserve and Cave Protection Areas. The team also reviews proposed Conservation Management Plans and Landscape Plans submitted as part of the Planning Process. All advice is submitted directly to the Department of Planning.
Marine Conservation
The Marine Conservation team provides ecological assessment and consultation on all proposed development impacting Bermuda’s marine environment and marine protected species e.g. proposed docks, marinas, foreshore remediation. This advice is provided to the Marine Resources Board, which is then provided to the Department of Planning. The team monitors the health of Bermuda’s marine habitats and protected species, conducting research, developing species recovery plans, managing marine parks and providing technical advice to the Marine Resources Board on all matters related to ecological assessments of proposed development in marine conservation areas. An important part of its work is promoting public awareness and to encourage community stewardship of Bermuda’s marine ecology.